Valley Water District
14515 Pioneer Way E
Puyallup, WA 98372
888-205-0118  After Hours
253-770-8959  Fax
Valley Water District
Mission Statement

To provide safe and reliable water to all of the District's customers.

Office Hours: 7:00am - 3:30pm

Monday - Friday

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Valley Water District Service Line Inventory

A recent Environmental Protection Agency ruling requires that every Public Water System conduct an inventory of all public and private water lines by October of 2024 to determine if there are any lead service lines.  Valley Water District is in compliance with that rule and has submitted the findings that we have available with no lead found in any of our systems.  The District is VERY CONFIDENT that there is no lead in any of our systems based on the knowledge, experience and history of our current staff over the last 20+ years.  There has been no lead found or suspected in any of the water systems we have repaired or maintained.  Unfortunately, because all of the systems were either purchased or donated to the District, there are not accurate drawings or information of  all of the materials installed in each system.  Therefore, until we have the time and resources available to identify all of the service lines, the District has to list them as “Unknown, likely not lead”.

Because there are materials in the ground that technically are not known, the District is required by law to send a notification to all customers who are being served that the material is unknown.  This includes private service lines for homes that were built prior to 1986 (lead was banned in all water lines at the federal level in 1986, so any homes built after that do not have lead in their service lines). 

Service Line Inventory Customer Notification on November 5 2024


2024 Initial Service Line Inventory by System

Please see below for each individual system Service Line Inventory that was completed in October 2024.  This is a work in progress and Valley Water District will be updating the District side of the inventory as we identify the Unknown service lines.

 Alderwood Estates Water System Service Line Inventory

The Buttes Water System Service Line Inventory

Chinook Estates Water System Service Line Inventory

Country/Eldorado Water System Service Line Inventory

Sierra Water System Service Line Inventory

Valley Water System Service Line Inventory

View Royal Water System Service Line Inventory

Winchester Water System Service Line Inventory

May 30, 2024Lead Service Line Inventory - Updated

Valley Water District completed the initial Service Line Inventory in October of 2024.  Please see the Service Line Inventory for more information.


Lead Service Line Inventory 

The Environment Protection Agency has established new rules requiring the District to inventory all public and private water lines in all of the District systems by October of 2024.  The District needs your help complying with the new federal EPA water system requirements.

Staff has already started the process of inventorying the public watermains and lines (on the District side of the meter) but we need your help identifying the materials on all private service lines (lines from the meter to your home or business).

If your home was built before 1986, and you know what material your water service line is made of (for example, PVC, poly, galvanized steel, lead, copper, etc.), please contact our office by email or phone with the information listed below.  Email: or call: 253-841-9698.

 Your service address

The year your home was built

The year your service line was installed or replaced

The material your service line is made of (PVC, poly, galvanized steel, lead, copper)

 The Clean Water Act banned lead in drinking water pipes in 1986, therefore homes built after 1986 are unlikely to have lead in their service lines. The District is very confident that none of the public watermains or service lines contain lead due to the age of the systems and due to our experience with repairing and maintaining the lines since 1993.  The District has never discovered any lead materials in any of the systems.

 Thank you for helping the District comply with the EPA requirement.


January 30, 2025View Royal - City of Bonney Lake Utility Tax

Valley Water District has been notified that effective January 1, 2025, the City of Bonney Lake will be implementing the Bonney Lake Municipal Code 5.04, Utility Tax (Ordinance 1556 available to review on VWD website or City of Bonney Lake Website).  This tax applies to all water service revenue collected from any customers located within Bonney Lake City Limits.

Please see the links below for the notification that Valley Water District sent to the affected customers, the letter from Bonney Lake notifying the District about the upcoming utility tax, and the Bonney Lake Ordinance implementing the utility tax.

Valley Water District Notification to Affected Customers

Letter from Bonney Lake to Valley Water District

Bonney Lake Ordinance 1556

Anyone that is concerned with or opposed to this implementation should voice their concerns with the City of Bonney Lake Council members.

If you would like additional information regarding this issue, feel free to contact the District or reach out directly to any of the City of Bonney Lake Council Members.

Valley Water District


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