This three page application initiates the installation of new water service. The Meter Application and Cross Connection Control Survey must be signed by the property owner and accompany payment of connection charges and new meter installation fees. (Cash, check or money order only) Water service billing begins the date the meter is installed. Valley Water District is an equal opportunity provider.
Leaks waste hundreds of gallons of water. Ignoring a leak will result in wasted water and possibly serious damage to your home and property. The inconvenience and expense of a leaky or broken water pipe can be reduced with a little preparation.
This is the Valley Water District form for reporting annual backflow assembly tests. The Certified Backflow Assembly Testers must also include a copy of their Department of Health certification card and the calibration report for their testing equipment with this test report.
Valley Water District takes pride in providing quality drinking water to our community. Although the water that reaches your home or business is pure and clean, contamination can occur within your own piping system. This potential contamination hazard is known as a "cross connection". As a water user, you are the most familiar with how our water is being used. This survey is a preliminary evaluation of potential backflow situations. Please take the time to print and send this form to the District. Your participation is essential to the success of this program.
December 20, 2023Certificate of Water Availability Application
This form is used to inquire about the availability of water to an area not yet served, and must be accompanied by a site plan and a vicinity map of the parcel, along with related fee. Valley Water District is an equal opportunity provider.
January 25, 2015Developer Extension Agreement Application
Valley Water District has "Fill Dirt" on an as available basis, free to the public. Fill material will be delivered within District boundaries in an "as-is" state, at no charge. To be placed on a list of interested recipients, please review this form and contact the District. Notary service is available at the District office.
Here is some very helpful information about water meters, possible causes for high bills, how to check for a water leak, and repairing water service lines.
This form is used by Property Owner's requesting duplicate bill service for rental property with the duplicate bill to be mailed to the service address, addressed to "Resident".